Multi-purpose waste removal assemblies are versatile and can be installed on most any sewing machine. Use for rear, front, or overhead trimmed waste and lint removal on single needle lockstitch machines with edge cutters, post-bed machines, overlock/safety-stitch machines, fume
removal, and many non-sewing applications.
For single needle lockstitch machines with edge cutters, the nozzle support system positions waste nozzles and funnels at any angle or axis for close proximity to vacuum area without interfering with the sewing process. Use 1" assemblies for small to medium trimmings up to ¾" wide, 1½" assemblies for trimmings up to 1¼" wide and 2" assemblies for
trimmings up to 1¾".
Assembly includes Extendable Support System with straight and angled rod, air operated waste vacuum unit complete with all mounting
hardware, 5 ft. of flex hose, and 1/4" (6mm) or 3/8" (8mm) OD air supply. Order appropriate waste nozzle, treadle rod switch, and waste collection
canister for a complete system. Order waste nozzle separately,